4 Ocak 2017 Çarşamba

Asian cuisine
Asian cuisine is from East Asian and Shoutheast Asian countries.
 Chinese cuisine is very rich and varied. Chinese cuisine is made from carbonhydrate and vegetable, meat or fish. Meals have a staple like tofu or peking duck that comeswith several dishes. Mostly pork and chicken meat are used.

In Japanese cuisine presentation is important. The main dishes of traditional Japanese cuisine are rice and noodle. They use wooden chopsticks when eating. For example; sushi, sashimi, tempura.There are teriyaki souces.It consist of sugar, mirin, soy souce and sake.Expensive food  is fugu fish. The fugu is a kind of poisonous fish. Sake consists of rice wine.

In Korean cuisine has rice, vegetables and meat. Constantly consumed dishes are kimchi. They use wooden chopsticks when eating. Commonly materials are sesame oil, garlic, soy sauce, red pepper and cabbage.

In vietnamese people of live in poverty.The ingredients used for Vietnamese food are usually very cheap. There are exotic meats. In Vietnamese cuisine are consumed fresh products, herbs and dipping sauces.

In Thai cuisine, spices are widely used. Curry is a spice mixture. It made from coconut and fresh turmeric.Usually lemon juice is used in meals.The main dishes of traditional Thai cuisine are rice and noodles. Spoon and fork are used.

3 Ocak 2017 Salı


Hi friends.

Asian couisine form East Asian and Southeast Asian countries. East Asian is Chinese, Japanese and Kore. Southeast Asian is Vietnamese and Thai.

The staples foods of rice, noodles,soybeans, wheat, vegetables, herbs and seasoning. Delicacies is cold dishes, chinese pickles, chinese sausage and snack.Chinese bevarege is baiju, herbal drinks, Chinese tea.

Japanese cuisine offers an abundance of gastronomical delights with a boundless variety of regional and seasonal dishes as well as international cuisine.. The staples of rice, sushi, sake, tofu, tempura, sashimi and ramen. The most popular food in Japan is Sushi. Sushi is made from rice, raw fish, spices.

Korean Cuisine
Korean cuisine is mostly made up of rice, noodles, vegetables, and meats. . It is usually filled or covered with sweet mung bean paste, red bean paste, raisins, or a sweet, creamy filling made with sesame seeds, pumpkin, beans, pine nuts, and honey. Tteok is usually eaten for dessert or as a snack. List of Korean dishes meat dishes, fish dishes, soups and stews, grain dishes and snacks or simple foods.

Vietnamese cuisine 
The foods and beverages of Vietnam, and features a combination of five fundamental tastes in the over all meal. Common ingredients include fish sauce, shrimp paste, soy sauce, rice, fresh herbs, fruit and vegetables. Vietnamese food is considered one of the healthiest cuisines worldwide.

Thai Cusine
Thai cooking places emphasis on lightly prepared dishes with strong aromatic components and a spicy edge. Thai cuisine is one of the most popular cuisines in the world in 2011. The staples of rice, noodles, starches, pastes-sauces, fruits and vegetables.

2 Ocak 2017 Pazartesi


Roin Drop Cake is populer Japan dessert.The original name is Mizu Shingen Machi.It is made from mineral water and agar pavder.
Gyaza:It is Japanese dumplings wropped with thin bamboo stuffed with minced meat and vegetables.It is very populer dish in Japan.
Sashimi is made from very fresh raw meat or sliced fish with rice.

Jian dui is made from sweet black bean paste or red beanpaste.It is populerin China when it is entering the new year.
Moon cake is important for Chinese. They eat in the mid-autumn Festival.
Dan Dan Noodle is a noodle dish originating from Chinese Sichcan cuisine.

Yukgnejang is a spicy special soup.It is made from shredded beef with scallions and other ingredients.
Bibimbap contains white rice sauteed and sea saned vegetables and chili pepper.


How to lay a table

Firstly a clean tablecloth is placed on the table.
Service plate is put in front of the customer.
The napkin is put on the service plate.
The main dish knife is put right of the service plate.
Soup spoon is put right of the main dish knife
The main dish fork is put left of the service plate
The wine glass is put on to main dish knife

Ebru Korkmaz Savaş

I want introduce the Ebru Korkmaz Savaş. She was born in Malatya. She is 30 years old. She graduated from Samsun 19 May University Psychological Counseling and Guidance department. After the university she worked as a teacher but she was interested culinary arts so she was working the sugar paste. She won the gold medal in 2015 International Istanbul Gastronomy Festival.

Asian Cuisine

Chinese Cuisine

Chinese Cuisine is the oldest cuisine in the world. Chinese Cuisine have ying-yang principle for example salt and black pepper.
Tastes are different in the region. China have 23 region and every region has special cuisine culture.

Japanese Cuisine

The most popular food in Japan is Sushi but they don't eat very much. They usually served small portion. Cutting techniques and colours must be in compatible. They don't served sweet generally. They are traditional drink is 'sake'.

South Korea Cuisine

They eat nutritious and low calories food. They usually eat raw or rare vegatables. South Korea Cuisine is using red hot chili pepper,garlic,onion,soy sauce and sesame.

Thai Cuisine

Thai Cuisine is exotic and spicy. North Thai Cuisine's foods are low fat and less spicy and South Thai Cuisine's food are generally seafood.
 Asian cuisine is from East Asian and Southeast Asian countries. It is the oldest kitchens. South Asian countries are Vietnam and Thailand. East Asian countries are China, Korea and Japan.
  Cuisine cultures respectively;
   Vietnamese Cuisine
   A country with special herbs. In the morning the soup called 'pho' is consumed, this soup is made with chicken water. Meals are usually light.
    Thai Cuisine
    The most important dishes are rice. A kitchen with exotic flavors. For example; red pepper, fresh mint, lime, peanut, coconut... They have a special meal, nama is 'curry'. ^But 'curry' isn't the spice.
    Chinese Cuisine
    Chinese cuisine is influenced by three cuisines. These are Cantanese Cuisine, Sichuan Cuisine, Jiansu Cuisine. Chinese cuisine is made from a carbonydrate and vegetable, meat or fish. It is classified by its origin. Chines food eaten with chopstick.
    Korean Cuisine
    In Korea, garlic and chili peppers predominate. There is a reliance on soybeans and fermented foods like kimchi. Soju is an alcholic beverage that people usually have during a meal or snack. Soy sauce, sesame oil and ginger are used mostly.
    Japanese Cuisine
    Japanese cuisine, is important spices, quality and presentation. Oil and spice use very little. Generally the food is eaten with chopstick. Some examples of Japanese cuisine are sushi, sashimi, tempura and sake. Sake is famous drink in this cuisine.


Asian cuisine is form East Asian and Southeast Asian counties.

East Asian
Chinese cuisine is made form corbahydrate and vegetable.Grain products ara veri important for the Chinese.Sıybean pickles in Chinese cuisine. Their most important drink is tea.Alcıholic beverages ara 'jui'.Szechuan and Hunan cuisine ara from the west.

The main food of the Japanese cuisine is gohan rice. Seafood is often used in kitchens. Uses soy sauce intead of salt with Japanese.Pork is preferred in the Japanese cuisine. Meals have a staple ilke rice or noodles that comes with several side disket.

National food of korean cuisine 'kimchi'.'Kimchi' is a kind of pickles.Garlic and red pepper are the most used in korean cuisine.Soju is an alcoholic beverage that people usually have during a meal.

In the morning in Vietnamese, only the pasta soup called 'pho' is served.No fay in the meals.The Vietname cuisine is quite rich and tasty.The variety of fish is very rich.Fresh produce and dipping sauces are important in Vietnamese cuisine.

The most important element of Thai cuisine is rice.Seaweeds are abundantly used. Thai 'curry'is the most populer Thai food.Lime and cocunat milk are very populer in there. Their favourite dish is Pad Thai.

Asian cuisine is from East Asian and Southeast Asian countries.They include different countries.For example: East Asian countries are Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Southeast Asian countries are Vietnam and Thailand

Chinese Cuisine:
This cusine is made from fish, meat, noodles, some sea foods like moss or crab, some vegetables and offcourse rice. Chinese people always eat carbonhydrate and protein.Than they have a lot of herbs and seasoning and they like to use the soy sauce in own dishes.

Japanese Cuisine:
This cuisine culture is most important at the Asian Cuisine. Because they have sushi, tempura, sashami, and vasabi. These are the main cuisine culture at the Japanese cuisine.Than there are soo many beverages in the Japanese cuisine.For example: tea, sake and whisky and they like rice and noodles too.

Korean cuisine:
Korean cuisine is largely based on rice, vegetables and meats.Than kimchi is almost always served at every meal.They usually use to sesame oil, fermanted beans, soy sauce, garlic, ginger salt and papper flakes, red chili paste, cabbage, celery and mint.And they use the chopsticks instead of fork and some spoons.Than they have soo much alcholic beverages,Sojo is most popular alcholic beverage in the korea.

Those ones were East Asian Cuisine and now i am going to say about the Shout Asian Cuisine

Vietnamese Cuisine:
Traditional Vietnamese cooking is greatly admired for its fresh ingredients, minimal use of dairy and oil, complementary textures, and reliance on herbs and vegetables. With the balance between fresh herbs and meats and a selective use of spices to reach a fine taste and they almost everyday use the rice and fish.Their most popular food is Common and Common's ingredients are fish sauce, shrimp paste, soy sauce, rice, fresh herbs, fruits and vegetables.

Thai Cuisine:
Thai cuisine is one of the most popular cuisines in the world.Lime and cocunat milk are very popular in  there.Generally rice and noodles are important.Thai food was traditionally eaten with the right hand.Thai food is eaten with a fork and a spoon.

East Asıan

Chınese cuisine is made from a carbonhydrate and vegetable. Chinese usually eat meat and fish.
Chinese cuisine is classified. South and west. For example Cantonese cuisine from the south and they do not use a lot of sauce and frying. Szechuan and Human cuisine are from the west. They have spicier recipes. Chinese cuisine do not use to bread. they usually use rice. An example rice wine,rice flour pasta. some of their food ; Chinese logic, beijing duck...

For Japanese presantation and quality are important. they use spices too. meals have a staple like rice or noodles. Japanese eaten with wooden chopsticks. they do not use to salt. ınstead of soy sauce. some dishes from the Japanese cuisine; sushi, sashimi,tempura and sake.

Korea cuisine some dominant things. For example garlic and chili peppers. there is a retiance on soybeans and fermented foods like kimchi. Korean use chopstick are spoons. they have special drink Soju. korean cuisine a mixture of chinese and japanese cuisine.


-Vıetnam is a country famous for rice fields.
-ın vietnam only the pasta soup is served in the morning.
-south vietnam find sweeter tastes and a more liberal use of herbs.
-For they herbs, fresh produce and dipping sauces very important.

-'Khanom chin nam ngiao' north thailand spesific meal. others meal: khao khluk kapi, khao man kai.
-'khao pat 'unıque rice here.
- ın the south, they will find curries made from coconut milk and fresh turmeric.
-lime is ımportant in the northeast. also here both rice and noodles are popular. 
favorite meal name is Pad Thai.
-thailand cuısıne use work and spoon.

Asian Cuisine

I am going to tell you Asian Cuisine. Firstly, Asian cuisine is from East Asian and Southeast Asian countries. They include different countries. For example: East Asian countries are Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Southeast Asian countries are Vietnam and Thailand. Let's tell their characteristices.

Chinese cuisine includes Cantonese, Szechuan and Hunan cuisine. Cantonese cuisine is from the south and the others are from the west. Generally, Chinese cuisine is made from carbonhydrate, vegetable, meat or fish. Chinese cuisine's staple foods are rice, noodles, soybeans wheats, herbs and seasonings.

There are important things in Japanese cuisine. They are presentation, spices and quality. This cuisine's staple foods are rice or noodles that comes with several side dishes. Sushi, sashimi, tempura are in Japanese cuisine and examples of beverages are tea, beer, sake and whisky. There are Japanese food outside Japan. These places are Taiwan China, Thailand, Indonesia, Australia, United Kingdom and Canada.

In Korean, garlic and chili peppers predominate. There is a reliance on some foods. They are soybeans and fermented foods. For example: kimchi. Korean cuisine's foods are grains, legumes, meat, vegetables and medicinal foods.Beverages separate as nonalcoholic and alcoholic. Soju is an alcoholic beverage that people usually have during a meal or snack. Spoons and chopsticks are used.

They are East Asian Cuisine. Let's tell Southeast Asian Cuisine.

In Vietnamase Cuisine herbs, fresh produce and dipping sauces are used and has sweeter tastes. Pho noodle is consumed.

Finally, Thailand cuisine.. Thailand cuisine has geographical differences. It separates as south and northeast. In the south, curries which is made from coconut milk and fresh turmeric. In the northeast, lime is important. Generally rice and noodles are important. There is popular food which is called Pad Thai. Thai food is eaten with a fork and a spoon.

                                    ASYA MUTFAĞI

                             "asya mutfağı ile ilgili görsel sonucu     

  Asian cuisine is classified as East Asian Countries cuisine and Southeast Countries Cuisine. East countries are Chinese,Japanese and Korean. Souteast Countries are Vietnamese and Thailand.
  Asian Cuisine general Characteristics as: usually it consist of light vegetable foods. So rate of obezite is lower than other cuisine. Spicies are very important for this cuisine.
  Chinese cuisine is a important cuisine in the world. Soy and ricw are generous in amount. Soybean,soy souce ,soymilk and Tofu use a lot. Soy souce is made by fermenting soybean. Tofu is made from soymilk.İt's look like ekşimil Cheese. Bread doesn't use a lot. Chinese Cuisine is classified as Cantonese, Szechuan and Hunan Cuisine.  Seafood much used in Cantonese Cuisine. Because, Close to the sea. Usually,vegetable foods be in. Vegetable dishes are sauted in a wok pan in Chinese Cuisine.Famous foods are Chinese Logic,Pekin Duck, Pekin Duck accepted to national dish.
  Presentation, spicies and qualty are important Japanese Cuisine.Rice and noodles are staple in Japanese. Seafood predominate. Other Asian cuisine use more oil and spicy than Japanese Cuisine.Famous foods are Takoyoki,Maki, Nobe,Sashimi,Sushi,Tempeture. Famous drink is Sake.
  Garlic and chili peppers predominate in Korea Cuisine.Soybean are staple and Kimchi is famous in the world.It's fermented food.It eat all hours of the day. There isn't food line in the Korea Cuisine. All courses come at the same on the table. Stainless stell spoon and chopsticks are use in this cuisine. Favourite drink is green tea.
  Rice is stable in Vietnamese Cuisine . Noodle soup called 'pho' drink at breakfeast. It is rafined kitchen. There are light meal in this kitchen. National tastes predominate.Nouc Nam is importnat sauces.It's fermented. This cuisine drinks are green tea and Bia Hoi. Bia Hoi is beer, it is regional drink. Dog and snake meat eat.There is a reliance seafood.
  There are regional differences.For example, you'll  find curries made from coconut milk and fresh turmeric in South. Lime is important in the nourtheast. Pad thai is famous ' thai dish' . Thais use spoon and fork while eating. Spicy is very important factor while making dish.
  Thai Chefs take care of food diversity, taste  balance and flavor. Bitter,sweet,sour and salty foods are found every meal. It is a neccessity for they. Rice porridge is eat at breakfeast. Certain cricket are eat.  These are Grosshoper, Free Cricket, Silk Worm.These are fried in deep oil . Then add garlic and pepper.

1 Ocak 2017 Pazar

Korean Cuisine
 Korean food is nutritious, plenty of vitamins and generally low calorie. There are plenty of garlic and red pepper at the beginning of flavors that stand out in the world famous Korean cuisine. In the tradition of the Koreans, there is no serving of food in succession. All the dishes are in the same table. After dinner, some dessert made from rice and fresh fruit are eaten. The main dish is usually supplemented with soup, rice and "kimchi". "Kimchi" is the traditional Korean pickle's name.
Chinese Cuisine
    Chinese cuisine is made from a carbonhydrate and vegetable, meat or fish. Chinese cuisine is prepared easily and fast. The most important feature is that it is healthy and delicious. The flavor vary depending on the region. For example salty in the north. Sweet in the south.Sour in the east and pain in the most are preferred. The most consumed foods are rice, rice flour,eggs,mushroom, meat and soy products.
Japan Cuisine
The main food of traditional Japanese cuisine is rice. Rice is a part of every meal. In Japan, foods containing fish and other sea fruits are also very common. When Americans invaded Japan in the Second World War, they tried to eat bread instead of rice. In general, Japanese Cuisine is similar to that of other East Asian countries. The most important difference compared to others is that the use of oil and spices is much less. It is important to protect the original flavors of the materials used.


Asian Cuisine is from East Asian and Southeast Asian countries.
East Asian has many different countries. They have different features. For example Chinese Cuisine is made from a carbohydrate and vegetable, meat and fish. Although bread isn’t being used, rice is used a lot of. Pasta and rice wine made from rice.  Commonly used meats, pork and chicken. Sustenance is cut for convenience and they are eaten with chopstick.
Japanese Cuisine is made from rice. Rice consumable even at breakfast. Sea food is a lot of because Japan is an island.  The oil and spicy is used a little. 
Sake is a alcoholic beverage that Korean Cuisine; Korean is largely rice, vegetables and meat based. Kimchi is served at almost every meal. Soy sauce, salt, garlic, ginger, crushed red pepper, cabbage and gochujang are used a lot of.

Southeast Asian Cuisine has two cuisine; Thailand and Vietnam.

Vietnamese; In morning always drunk Pho Soup.  The cuisine an extremely light. Special dishes are Banh Chung, Nem and Pho. And Nouc Mam is the most important sauce.
    Asian cuisine is from East Asian and Southeast Asian countries .
    Chinese, Japanese, Korean are from East Asian cuisine.
   Chinese cuisine is made from a vegetable, meat and fish. Chinese foods are prepared easily and quickly. Flavors are variety depending on the regions in Chinese cuisine. Cantonese cuisine from the south. It doesn't use a lot of sauces or frying. Szechuan and Hunan cuisine are from the west. They have spicier recipes.
   Japanese cuisine one of the healthiest cuisines. In Japanese cuisine, presentation, spices and quality are very important. Meals have a staple like rice or noodles that comes with several side dishes. Generally, dishes are small serving. The dishes are eaten with wooden chopsticks. End of the dishes, drink green tea. Traditional drink is Sake. Some examples of Japanese cuisine are sushi, sashimi and tempura.
   In Korean cuisine are high nutrional value and low calorie. In Korea, garlic and chili peppers predominate. There is a reliance on soybeans and fermented foods like kimchi. Dishes are usually served in ceramic or stainless steel bowls and they are used spoons and chopsticks. And the last soju. Soju is an alcoholic beverage that people usually have during a meal.
   Vietnamese and Thai are from Southeast Asian cuisine.
   South Vietnam has sweeter tastes and a more liberal use of herbs. The north has more familiar spicy Vietnamese food. For example, pho noodle dishes. Herbs, fresh produce and dipping sauces are important in Vietnamese cuisine.
    In South Thailand, you will find curries made from coconut milk and fresh turmeric. In Northeast, lime is important. Both rice and noodles are popular. Their favourite dish is Pad Thai. Thai food is eaten with fork and spoon.


How to lay a table?
      1.Firstly, you lay a tablecloth to the table.
      2.Put the dinner plate middle of the table and put napkin on the dinner plate.
      3.Put the dinner fork left side of the dinner plate and put the salad fork left of the dinner fork.
      4.Put the knife right of the dinner plate and put the soupspoon right side of the knife.
      5.Put the bread plate and butter knife on the top of the left side.
      6.Put the dessert fork and dessert spoon on the top of the dinner plate.
      7.And lastly, put the water glass top of the right side of the knife.
 That's all :)



Hi everybody,

I will write abaout Asian Cuisine as much as I know .

Asian cuisine has two part. East Asian and Southeast Asian.
East Asian countries are Chine, Japan, Kore.
Southeast Asian countries are Vietnam and Thailand.


CHINESE CUISINE : It has 3 different type in that Cuisine. These are Cantonese cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, Jiangsu cuisine. Why they seperated their cuisine like that ? Because of climate, geography, history, cooking techniques and lifestyle.  Chinese people usually to consume rice, noddle, soybeans, wheat. 

JAPANESE CUISINE : Foods are eaten with chopstick. There is two important material in Japanese Cuisine. Wok and chopstick. They have world famaous SUSHI. People like fast cooking. Thats why they are using wok. They can cook fast with wok. Also they have SAKE. Its a beverage that belong to Japan. They like deep fry. Tempura is intance. 

KORE CUISINE : They have Kimchi. Thats   fermanted food. On the other hand they have SAJU. Its a speacil drink.


THAILAND : Lime , curry , noodle , rice are very important for Thai  Cuisine . They like sweet and sour dishes. PAD THAI is most attractive dish in Thailand. They also use chopstick.

VIETNAM : Vietnamese usually use raw vegetables. Coriander and green onion leaves can be found in most Vietnamese dishes Popular dishes are noodle soup , canh chua ( sour soup ) , sticky rice dishes.
Hi Everyone.

Here is the Asian Cuisine.

Enjoy the read.

Asian Cuisine is from East Asian, Southest Asian.

East Asian cuisine includes Chinese, Japanese, Korean food.

Chinese cuisine is divided into 3 main kitchen as in itself.  These are Cantonese cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, Jiangsu cuisine. This is the most obvious feature that separates the kitchen are as follows: resources, climate, geography, history, cooking techniques and lifestyle. Cuisine to one use a lot of garlic and shallots, others, in their food, use chili pepper and spices. One of them use seafood and poultry, the others use a lot of red meat. It does not use a lot of sauces or friying. Their staple foods are noodle, soybean, vegetables and rice. Based on the raw materials and ingredients used, the method of preparation and cultural differences, a variety of foods with different flavors and textures are prepared in different regions of the country.

In Japanese cuisine, is very important spices,quality and presentation.  Staple products are rice and noodles. This foods are eaten with wooden chopsticks. Wok and chopsticks very important for the Japanese cuısıne.  Side dishes often consist of fish, pickled vegetables, and vegetables cooked in broth. Seafood is common, often grilled, but also served raw as sashimi or in sushi. Seafood and vegetables are also deep-fried in a light batter, as tempura. Sake is a alcoholic beverage that people usually have during a meal, snack or meeting.

In Korea, fermented food are very important in this cuisine like Kimchi. Soju is famous beverage in their lunch or dinner. They used stainless steel dishes in foods. Garlic, chili pepper, soybean, tofu are their staple foods.

Southest Asian cuisine includes Vietnam and Thailand.

In Thailand, They love using curry in the meals. Lime is so important for them. noodles and rice are so popular.Pad Thai is one of the most attractive meal in Thailand.People use fork and spoon to eat meals.

In Vietnam, This cuisine has sweeter tastes and liberal herbs. Pho is consumed in the morning Bia Hoi is beverage. It is consumed very much. Green tea is found everywhere.