East Asıan
Chınese cuisine is made from a carbonhydrate and vegetable. Chinese usually eat meat and fish.
Chinese cuisine is classified. South and west. For example Cantonese cuisine from the south and they do not use a lot of sauce and frying. Szechuan and Human cuisine are from the west. They have spicier recipes. Chinese cuisine do not use to bread. they usually use rice. An example rice wine,rice flour pasta. some of their food ; Chinese logic, beijing duck...
For Japanese presantation and quality are important. they use spices too. meals have a staple like rice or noodles. Japanese eaten with wooden chopsticks. they do not use to salt. ınstead of soy sauce. some dishes from the Japanese cuisine; sushi, sashimi,tempura and sake.
Korea cuisine some dominant things. For example garlic and chili peppers. there is a retiance on soybeans and fermented foods like kimchi. Korean use chopstick are spoons. they have special drink Soju. korean cuisine a mixture of chinese and japanese cuisine.
-Vıetnam is a country famous for rice fields.
-ın vietnam only the pasta soup is served in the morning.
-south vietnam find sweeter tastes and a more liberal use of herbs.
-For they herbs, fresh produce and dipping sauces very important.
-'Khanom chin nam ngiao' north thailand spesific meal. others meal: khao khluk kapi, khao man kai.
-'khao pat 'unıque rice here.
- ın the south, they will find curries made from coconut milk and fresh turmeric.
-lime is ımportant in the northeast. also here both rice and noodles are popular.
favorite meal name is Pad Thai.
-thailand cuısıne use work and spoon.
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