6 Kasım 2016 Pazar

Şef Pelin Çakar


Job describtion: Food and Beverage Manager 

 She has educated marketing training in UC Berkeley San Francisso.At the same time,set up a web site to earn Money.She sold turkısh food in there. Then she worked in the school dinning room.
She joined several seminars and workshops in the Culinary Instutie of America at after graduation.(2001)
 She was an interest in Spanish Tapas.When came to travel to the Turkey, She met Cem Mirip,the owner of the Lucca restaurant.Then she started working in the Lucca Kithcen with him.She was projected Spanish Tapas Night at Lucca in there.She has been working there since 2006.
At the same time, she is consulting with Chef Willy Moya, that have been working in michelin star restaurant.She is responsible for public relations,procurement and organization.

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